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  • franklinwaston

The Influence of a Father

As we go through life, we have different perspectives about our Dads. Here’s how one person summed it up:

When I was…

4 years old, my Daddy could do anything.

7 years old, my Dad knew a lot, a whole lot.

8 years old, my father didn’t quite know everything.

12 years old, well, maybe he didn’t know as much as I thought he knew.

14 years old, my Dad hopelessly old-fashioned.

17 years old, my Dad didn’t have a clue!

21 years old, his ideas were still out-of-date.

25 years old, he knew a little bit about it but not much.

30 years old, I needed to find out what Dad thought about it.

40 years old, what would Dad have thought about it?

50 years old, my Dad knew literally something about everything.

60 years old, I wish I could talk it over with Dad just one more time.

The awesome responsibility of being a father has been laid upon countless men throughout the ages. Men continue to struggle, many becoming successful fathers, some not. One way that men can be sure that they’ll do the best job possible when it comes to leading the family is to include God and His instruction. Nothing is more important than a godly father. Those of us who were blessed to have fathers that feared and served God, can easily see the great influence that we still carry with us everyday. As we give tribute to our Dads on Father’s Day, let’s be thankful for their wisdom and guidance that will continue to help us throughout the days and years of our lives.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7).

Taken From Bulletin Digest

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